1. The less that you spend on frivolous items, the more you can spend time with friends.
I used to go shopping 20000 times every single month, exhausting my spending budget with countless designer items (particularly bags and shoes). I've now realized that for every item that I don't purchase, I can afford to have at least one good New York night on the town:) As a Recessionista, we can't have it all and we have to make choices about what's more important. Think about it: would you like to have the newest Christian Louboutin shoes, or would you like to go to a concert and a fancy dinner with friends? Make your choice!
2. If you do decide to spend, spend your cash wisely.
Before I purchase anything new, I ask myself if I *really* need the item. I *really* needed both the cream and charcoal James Perse Open Drape cardigans, so I got them. I also *really* needed another pair of skinny jeans, so I got them too. Focus on classic essential pieces that will never go out of style or look extremely flattering on you.
3. Don't be afraid of a SALE!
If you thought I was discount crazy before the recession, you should see me now! Nordstrom Rack, Saks fire sale, sample sales, you name it. I'm there. At the Sunner sample sale, I found a $30 silk dress (see below), $30 plaid pocket shirt, and a $30 warm wool jacket (also featured below) that all would have retailed for at least $700. And I paid $90. Yes. Deals are out there, you just have to dig a bit. Don't be afraid to check out the clearance sections of TJ Maxx, Marshall's, and Century 21. It's what the cool kids are doing nowadays;)
4. Don't get take out excessively.
Did you know that before the recession, I used to get $30 takeout just about every night? Seriously, no joke. Do you know how much I was spending every month?!?!? I've wisened up and I go to the grocery store to buy food! I'm domestic now;) It takes a little more time and effort, but you can take the money that you've saved to the bank!
5. Search for airfare right now, cause it's cheap.
Just because the economy has taken a nosedive doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice life's simple pleasures. Yes, YOU deserve an annual vacation. The best part about this is that airfare is extremely inexpensive these days:) I bought a ticket to Barcelona for $240. Compared to my $750 ticket to Rome last year, I'd say that I'm practically going for pennies!
6. Last tip: Enjoy life's simple pleasures.
As a result of being positively influenced by my good friends Karen and Dee , I've gone back to one of my favorite hobbies, photography! We actually went to a cute restaurant in the LES called Supper for brunch today. There were also some lovely pictures taken by Dee, which are posted below!